Below The Surface at The NoW

Breastfeeding Breastwinners — The Under-celebrated & Overachieving Powerhouses

Sarah O'Brien Hammond

Ginelle's been curious from birth. Her curious nature surrounding human behavior would eventually lead her to the work she does today. As a feminist analytic therapist, Ginelle provides workshops and presentations for businesses and organizations on burnout response and prevention. She believes everyone should have a secure and meaningful relationship with their occupation and focuses her advocacy work in service of our society's under-celebrated, overachieving powerhouses: breastfeeding breadwinners. Today we talk about the constant need to prove ourselves, the conditioning that's led many of us to that doubt and how our world overlooks and under supports our powerhouse breastfeeding mothers. Let's dive in and learn more about Ginelle.

Growth Point Retreats
Breast-feeding Breadwinners 
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Good Inside with Dr. Becky pod
Journal of Radical Permission