Below The Surface at The NoW

Healing Fulling & Living Freely, Di Barnett

Sarah O'Brien Hammond

Chef Di Barnett was two when she came to the United States to be treated for a cleft palate. She continued to be plagued with ear issues and multiple surgeries her entire life. And then in  April of 2018, she was blindsided with a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes despite being a healthy active woman in her 50’s  with no prior family history. Instead of fully turning her treatment over to western medicine, she grabbed her health by the horns and started to really listen to what her body needed. She graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) as a Health Coach and started on her healing journey. Di dives deep with us today about not only the importance of you being your biggest health advocate but also the importance of living every day to its fullest. Let's learn more about Di and her journey. 


Chef Di Barnett     
Di IG   
Morning Alters     
Self Love Peddler Podcast
She’s Brave Podcast     
The Drive by Peter Attia